Everyone's talking about CESA 10
"I’m not a social media user, so I was worried about the negative aspects that would come with launching district pages. After ten months of talking through things with SS4EDU, we finally decided to get started. I couldn’t be more pleased with the response. Our community is engaged with what is happening at our schools, our students are being celebrated with thousands of people each week, and the team at #SocialSchool4EDU has provided excellent support. While I thought that adding another initiative within our district would cause more work for myself and our staff, it has done the opposite. Opening this new line of communication has helped the #DurandPanthers pride run even deeper."
Greg Doverspike District Administrator, School District of Durand
"I had a few reservations prior to launching our District’s Facebook page, but now wish that we would have started much earlier. Andrea and SocialSchool4EDU have been great to work with and is constantly working to make our social media experience better. As such, our community is staying connected with all of the great things happening within our schools."
Joe Leschisin District Administrator, School District of Cameron
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Mike Haynes, Agency Administrator